Women Helping Women

At first glance, a room full of women making friendly introductions and exchanging business cards over cocktails and hors d’ oeuvres would seem to have little connection to a woman staring at her empty closet, worrying that she has nothing suitable to wear to a critical job interview that could change the trajectory of her life. A struggling mom wishing she could give her little girl just one toy or doll to play with and a professional woman looking to forge new connections and develop their business may appear on the surface to be an incongruous pairing.

But to a group of women attorneys at Chuhak & Tecson sitting around a table in 2009, the challenges and burdens, dreams and ambitions of all of these women were inextricably linked. It was at this meeting, as they discussed the professional obstacles they faced and the fundamental and unmet needs of women throughout their communities, that Women Helping Women was born.

Since then, thousands of local women attorneys, business leaders, entrepreneurs, decision makers and strategic partners have forged bonds, exchanged ideas, generated new business and shared laughter and conversation, all while bringing hope, assistance and opportunities for women facing an array of personal, parenting and economic challenges.

The Women Helping Women initiative is a deeply personal endeavor for the women of Chuhak & Tecson and a source of immense pride for the firm as a whole. For the women who participate and the women the program helps – the rewards are both tangible and unquantifiable. It is reflected in a new business relationship between two professionals with complementary talents and objectives. It can be felt by a single mother who confidently strides into that crucial job interview in a sharp, clean ensemble. It can be seen in the smile of a child who holds a multicultural or diverse ability doll that looks like them. And it can be reflected in the relief and sense of security felt by a woman who has found a safe haven from an abusive relationship or the horrors of human trafficking.

The cornerstone of Women Helping Women is an annual, two-hour Mix-and-Mingle networking event that bring together women from scores of industries across the business and professional spectrum. For each event, which consistently brings together over 125 women, Women Helping Women identifies and partners with a local not for profit organization dedicated to helping women, or women and their children. For this creative, integrated approach to professional growth and community service, Women Helping Women received the IDEA award from the Association of Legal Administrators, which recognizes new practices that deliver great value and transformational impact through innovative achievement.

To date, the program has contributed to 20 philanthropic partners, including:

  • Anthony’s Avengers
  • Between Friends
  • Box United and its Fight Like a Girl program
  • Concordia Place
  • Chicago House
  • Jewish Child & Family Services
  • Magdalene House
  • New Moms
  • The Night Ministry
  • The Nora Project

In September 2023, Women Helping Women held its 20th Mix-and-Mingle for Anthony’s Avengers, collecting scores of superhero-themed books, backpacks, action figures, blankets, fun toys and monetary donations — all to support research funding for pediatric brain cancer and to comfort children battling this devastating disease. For Fall 2024 and its 15th anniversary, Women Helping Women will support Love Purse, which provides free purses filled with toiletries and other essentials, along with notes of inspiration, for women who are homeless or have suffered domestic violence — all in an effort to make recipients feel respected, loved and special.

Strong and determined women professionals from across Chicago lifting each other up, backed by a firm wholly committed to their efforts, are what have made Women Helping Women such an impactful and powerful force for positive change and better lives.

To learn more about Women Helping Women or to suggest a not for profit partner for upcoming events, contact Sydney Iglitzen, Manager of Marketing and Communications, at 312.201.3437 or siglitzen@chuhak.com.


  • Mix-and-Mingles held each fall
  • More than 125 women attend each event
  • 35+ industries represented
  • New business continuously generated via Mix-and-Mingles
  • Attendees capitalize on cross-industry strategic partnerships
  • Ongoing cycle of referrals established 
  • To date, partnerships with 20 organizations