Chuhak & Tecson gives summer warmth to children in need of winter wear
August 6, 2019
On August 21, 2019, Chuhak & Tecson, P.C. will hold a fundraiser titled Coats n’ Cones to benefit Jewish United Fund’s (JUF) Chanukah Coat Club.
JUF’s Chanukah Coat Club is an initiative that leverages key partnerships with Jewish Child and Family Services Chicago, The ARK, the Dina and Eli Field EZRA Multi-Service Center, and the Chicago Chesed Fund in order to provide needy children and families of all faiths with the winter wear they need to stay warm during the harsh Chicago winter. Donations supply local children and families with new coats and winter accessories for the year to come.
During Chuhak & Tecson’s Coats n’ Cones day, employees will be able to wear summer clothes to the office and enjoy frozen treats. Employees may choose to make donations in honor of someone special in their life, who will receive a personalized Chanukah card announcing their gift. Donations gathered will go to JUF’s Chanukah Coat Club.
Two of Chuhak & Tecson’s community service channels partnered for Coats n’ Cones—Women Helping Women and FunFitnessFilanthropy.
Women Helping Women, launched by Chuhak & Tecson’s women attorneys in 2009 to integrate business development with philanthropy, is celebrating its 10th anniversary in the fall. A year-long event titled 10 Ways to Give Back has the women attorneys supporting and participating in community service events throughout 2019. Coats n’ Cones marks the sixth of their 10 events.
Chuhak & Tecson combined its social, wellness and philanthropic efforts a few years ago into a FunFitnessFilanthropy Committee. Employees have the opportunity to develop and contribute to the firm in a way that brings them together for fun, wellness activities and giving-back events that support the community such as Coats n‘ Cones for JUF’s Chanukah Coat Club.