
Chuhak & Tecson principal David Bloomberg presents condominium association workshop

July 27, 2011

Chuhak & Tecson principal David Bloomberg will conduct a workshop titled Collections, Liens and Foreclosures Thursday, July 28. The free workshop, which takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. at Truman College, is intended for condominium and homeowner associations and will cover topics such as delinquent assessments, vacancies, different governing documents and dealing with bank-owned units. Bloomberg will also offer an analysis of the Illinois Condominium Property Act.

Bloomberg is a member of Chuhak & Tecson’s Condominium and Common Interest Community Association group, which offers a full range of services for condominium, townhome and homeowner associations, as well as cooperatives.

This workshop is produced by Lakeside Community Development Corporation and is sponsored by 46th Ward Alderman James Cappelman.